Assistant Professor
Update: 2025-03-05
Kian Soheil
Literature and Humanities / English Language & Literature
Current courses
Course Name | unit | term |
Greek and Roman Mythology | 2 | first semester Academic year 2024-2025 |
Novel in the 18th and 19th Centuries | 2 | first semester Academic year 2024-2025 |
Essay Writing | 2 | first semester Academic year 2024-2025 |
Testing | 2 | first semester Academic year 2024-2025 |
Academic Writing for Students of English Literature | 2 | first semester Academic year 2024-2025 |
Transatlantic Naturalism and Realism | 2 | first semester Academic year 2024-2025 |
Taught Courses
- A Historical Survey of English Literature I
- A Historical Survey of English Literature II
- A Review and Analysis of Translated Works
- A Study of the Major Works of the World's Greatest Playwrights
- Classical Works
- Computer Basics
- Contemporary English Poetry
- Drama II
- Drama of 17-20 Centuries
- Drama of the Classical and Renaissance Periods
- English Letter Writing
- English Specialty Language
- Essay Writing
- Foreign Language II (Compensatory)
- Greek and Roman Mythology
- Introduction to Literature I
- Introduction to Literature II
- Literary Terms and Devices
- Literary Translation I
- Literary Translation II
- Masterpieces of World Literature
- Novel
- Novel in the 18th and 19th Centuries
- Reading Journalistic Texts
- Reading and Appreciating Selected Literary Texts
- Research Method
- Samples of Simple Poetry
- Samples of Simple Prose
- Second Language III
- Short Story
- Studying a Major Writer
- Transatlantic Naturalism and Realism
- Translation Workshop
- Translation of Islamic Texts II
- Translation of Simple Texts
- Victorian Literature
- World Literature