English Language and Literature

Welcome to our Department Website
The Department of English Language and Literature at Shahid Beheshti University has long been recognized as one of the top English departments in Iran. Founded in 1962, it is one of the oldest departments of the university. The department enjoys a very distinguished research and teaching record in all periods of English Literature and major areas of TEFL. The Department of English Language and Literature, which is an academic unit of the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences, offers one undergraduate degree program (BA) and two postgraduate degree programs (MA and PhD) in English Literature. The department also offers postgraduate programs leading to MA and PhD in TEFL. The mission of the department is not only to provide students with relevant academic and professional experience in English language and its literature, but also to promote a well-developed, diverse, and vibrant community within the university. As of 2021, the department has 8 fulltime teaching staff and several visiting lecturers. Dr Kian Soheil is the current Head of the department.
Note: The language of instruction, examination, assignments, projects, and dissertations at the English Department of Shahid Beheshti University is English.