Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab

Associate Professor

Update: 2025-03-12

Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab

Literature and Humanities / English Language & Literature

Journal Paper

  1. "Research Literacy Assessment Instruments in Social Sciences and Education: A Scoping Review"
    Solmaz Aghazadeh, Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab
    Mextesol Journal, Vol. 48, pp.1-16, 2024
  2. "Adapting English Language Education to the EIL Framework: A Case Study of Expanding Circle Countries"
    Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab, Abbas Monfared
    Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning, Vol. 16, pp.116-135, 2024
  3. "Book review"
    Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab, Fatemeh Mardian
    SYSTEM, Vol. 116, 2023
  4. "Second-order synthesis of meta-analytic studies in applied linguistics (1998-2021)"
    Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab, Mohammad Amini Farsani
    QUALITY and QUANTITY, Vol. -, pp.1-27, 2023
  5. "A Text-driven Approach to Developing Localized English Language Teaching Materials"
    صديقه وحدت, Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab, صادق قبادي
    Vol. 56, pp.1-30, 2023
  6. "book review Multilingual testing and assessment"
    Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab, Fatemeh Mardian
    International Journal of Multilingualism, Vol. -, pp.1-4, 2023
  7. "Variation Patterns in Interlanguage Pragmatics: Apology Speech Act of EFL Learners vs. American Native Speakers"
    Zohreh R. Eslami, Amin Raeisi-Vanani, Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab
    Contrastive Pragmatics, Vol. -, pp.1-37, 2022
  8. "Reflective practice in second language teacher education: a scoping review"
    Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab, Fatemeh Mardian
    JOURNAL OF EDUCATION FOR TEACHING, Vol. -, pp.1-17, 2022
  9. "Becoming and being a TESOL teacher educator: research and practice"
    Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab, Fatemeh Mardian
    EDUCATIONAL REVIEW, Vol. 74, pp.1344-1345, 2022
  10. "Enhancing Elementary EFL Learners' Willingness to Communicate Through Communication Strategy Training"
    Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab, Behnam Jabbarzadeh
    English Teaching and Learning, Vol. -, pp.1-28, 2022
  11. "The Effect of Reading Strategies and L1 Reading Attitudes on L2 Reading Comprehension: Investigating the Intermediary Role of L2 Reading Attitudes"
    Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab, Hamid Mahdian Rad
    Journal of Asia TEFL, Vol. 19, pp.1267-1282, 2022
    Razieh Gholaminejad, Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab
    Teflin Journal, Vol. 32, pp.167-182, 2021
  13. "Creativity in Translation: A Comparative Case Study of Persian Translations of George Orwell's Novel "Animal Farm""
    M GH, Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab
    applied linguistics research journal, Vol. 4, pp.92-111, 2020
  14. "Teachers' Perception of Content Knowledge and Language Knowledge in EAP Assessment: A Case of Argument-Based Approach toward EAP Validity"
    Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab, Rasoul Najjar baghseyah, M V
    Asian ESP Journal, Vol. 16, pp.159-179, 2020
  15. "Evaluating the Cultural Appropriacy of Commercial English Language Teaching Textbooks in the Iranian Contextin the Iranian Context"
    S V, Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab, S Gh
    Teaching English Language, Vol. 14, pp.111-144, 2020
  16. "Academic vocabulary and collocations used in language teaching and applied linguistics textbooks"
    Razieh Gholaminejad, Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab
    Terminology, Vol. 1, pp.83-108, 2020
  17. "Language Teachers' Perception of an ELT Program: The Case of Iranian English Reform Developed for Secondary Schools"
    Parissa Zare, Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab
    journal of language horizons, alzahra university, Vol. 4, pp.101-122, 2020
  18. "Retrofitting Non-diagnostic Reading Comprehension Assessment: Application of the G-DINA Model to a High Stakes Reading Comprehension Test"
    Zahra Javidan Mehr, Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab
    Language Assessment Quarterly, Vol. 16, pp.294-311, 2019
  19. "Using mixed methods research synthesis for literature reviews, by M. Heyvaert, K. Hannes, and P. Onghena"
    Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab, M A
    International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches, Vol. 11, pp.203-205, 2019
  20. "Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment Issues and Considerations"
    Zahra Javidan Mehr, Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab
    International Journal of Language Testing, Vol. 7, pp.73-98, 2017
  21. ""
    Zahra Javidan Mehr, Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab
  22. "Mixed-Methods Research: Investigating Communication Strategies in Teacher Talk"
    Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab
    SAGE Open, Vol. 2, pp.2-19, 2017
  23. "Media Review Mixed Methods Research for TESOL"
    Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab, Mohammad Amini Farsani
    Journal of Mixed Methods Research, Vol. 10, pp.205-207, 2016
  24. "The Efficacy of Pragmatic Instruction in EFLContext The Case of Persian Learners of English"
    Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab, Sima Alikhani
    English Teaching and Learning, pp.25-47, 2016
  25. "Secondary EFL School Teachers Perceptions of CLT Principles and Practices An Exploratory Survey"
    Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab, Abbas Monfared, Mohammad Meisam Safarzadeh
    Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research, Vol. 4, pp.109-130, 2016
  26. "Teachers As Reflective Practitioners A Survey On Iranian English Teachers Reflective Practice"
    golsa feghhi, Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab
    journal of teaching language skills (JTLS), Vol. 4, pp.57-86, 2016
  27. "The effect of the language of thought on private Speech production"
    Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab, Yahya Gordani
    indonesian journal of applied linguistics, Vol. 5, pp.67-73, 2015
  28. "The role of private speech in cognitive regulation of learners The case of English as a foreign language education"
    Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab, Yahya Gordani
    Cogent Education, pp.1-10, 2015
  29. "Concordance-Based DDL Activities and Learning English Phrasal Verbs in EFL Classrooms"
    Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab, Amir Kardoust
    Issues in Language Teaching, Vol. 3, pp.89-112, 2014
  30. "The Relationship between Writing Strategies and Personality Types of Graduate Iranian EFL Learners"
    Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab,
    Vol. 3, pp.69-83, 2014
  31. "The Role of Private Speech in Cognitive Regulation of Adult Foreign Language Learners"
    Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab, Yahya Gordani
    Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning, Vol. 6, pp.1-18, 2014
  32. "Perceptual learning style preferences among Iranian graduate students"
    Farid Naserieh, Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab
    SYSTEM, pp.122-133, 2013
  33. "Successful Learning of Academic Word Lis via MALL Mobile Assisted Language Learning"
    mino alami, Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab, zahra lari
    International Education Studies, Vol. 5, pp.99-109, 2012
  34. "Language Teachers Questioning Practice in EFL Classroom Discourse Constructive or Obstructive"
    , Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab,
    iranian journal of teaching english as a foreign language and literature (tefll), Vol. 2, pp.53-70, 2011
  35. "Cognitive and Metacognitive Strategy Use and Second Language Reading Test Performance The Case of Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners"
    Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab, Mahsa Seyf Reyhani
    Iranian Journal of Applied Linguistics, Vol. 13, pp.1-18, 2010
  36. "cognitive and metacognitiv strategy use and second language reading test performance the case of iranian tntermediate EFL learners"
    Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab, Mahsa Seyf Reyhani
    IJLA, Vol. 13, pp.15-30, 2010
  37. "Translation of Proper Nouns The Case of Young Adults Novels Trnaslated from English into Persian"
    Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab, Bahar Eshragh
    pp.9-30, 2010
  38. "Language Teacher s Questioning Practice in EFL Classroom Discourse Construction or Obstruction"
    , Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab,
    Iranian Journal of Teaching English as a Foreign Language and Literature, Vol. 2, pp.53-70, 2010
  39. "Task-as-WorkPlan and Task-as-Process Reappraising the Role of the Teacher in Task Implementation"
    Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab
    Iranian Journal of Applied Linguistics, Vol. 11, pp.23-50, 2008
  40. "The impact of simplified and interactionally modified input on reading comprehension of Iranian EFL learenrs"
    Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab, Mohammad Karimi
    pp.29-42, 2008
  41. "communication strategies"
    Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab
    pp.121-130, 2006
  42. ""
    Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab
    Iranian Journal of Applied Linguistics, pp.1-43, 2004
  43. ""
    Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab, Solmaz Aghazadeh
    Language Related Research, Vol. 15, pp.355-394, 2024
  44. ""
    Vida Rahiminejad, Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab
    Vol. 19, pp.33-66, 2024
  45. ""
    Hojjat Abedi, Seyed abolghasem Fatemi jahromi, Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab
    Journal of Foreign Language Research, Vol. 10, pp.602-617, 2020
  46. ""
    Razieh Gholaminejad, Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab
    Journal of Foreign Language Research, Vol. 10, pp.198-215, 2020
  47. ""
    , , , Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab
    Vol. 4, pp.133-149, 2013
  48. "Evaluation of High School English Language Textbooks Based on the Criteria Derived from Communicative Language Teaching Approach"
    Khadijeh Safarnavadeh, Majid Aliasgari, Nematolah Mosapour, Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab
    pp.86-114, 2010
  49. "Secondary Level Foreign Languages Curriculum Guide Opportunities and Challenges in its Development and Implementation"
    Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab
    pp.172-199, 2010
  50. ""
    Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab
    pp.15-30, 2010

Conference Paper

  1. "Ministry of Education Panel Symposium on Foreign Language Education in Iranian Public Education System: Limitations and Opportunities"
    Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab
    The 18th International TELLSI Conference Enacting English as an International Language (EIL) in Teacher Education and Language Instruction, 2021
  2. "Iranian EFL Learners Perceptions of Text book-Assigned and self-Selected Discussion Topics"
    Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab, Solmaz Aghazadeh
    The 13th International TELLSI Conference, pp.37-38, 2015
  3. "Foreign Language Curriculum Development in Iran A History of Missed Opportunities"
    Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab
    The 13th International TELLSI Conference, pp.9-10, 2015
  4. "The Textbook Teacher as Agents of Change Threats to Effective Planning Implementation"
    Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab
    At the 1st Regional Conference on new English Language Course Books Prospect help at University of Bojnord, pp.80-81, 2014
  5. "The Texbook and Teacher as Agents of Change Threats to Effective Planning and Implementation"
    Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab
    The 1st Regional Conference on new English Language Course Books, pp.11-12, 2014
  6. "A Chaplin on stage A micro-analytic study of teacher s nonverbal behaviors in classroom communication"
    Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab, Maryam Saneie Moghaddam
    International Symposium on Language and Communication Exploring Novelties, pp.53-64, 2013
  7. "Focus on communication in Iranian high school language classes The role of teaching materials"
    Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab,
    International Conference on Current Trends in ELT Putting the Learner in the Spotlight, No 1 , pp.60-61, 2013
  8. "English language curriculum for secondary How to align policies and planning procedures to support changes in practice"
    Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab,
    , No 1 , pp.355-356, 2012
  9. "Comparing Teacher s Views on the Role of Grammar and Error Correction in language Teaching with Those of Their Students"
    Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab, Mehrdad Yousefpoori Naeim
    , No 1 , pp.131-132, 2012
  10. "Teachers Nonverbal Behavior in Language classrooms"
    Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab, Maryam Saneie Moghaddam
    , No 1 , pp.104-105, 2012
  11. "EFL Teachers Scrutinized On the Relationship between Teacher self-efficacy and Cassroom Management"
    Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab, Zahra Javidan Mehr,
    , No 1 , pp.209-210, 2012
  12. "Second Language Curriculum Theory and Practice Current Models and Future Trends"
    Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab
    TESOL PERSIA, 2011