Associate Professor
Update: 2025-03-12
Asghar Vaezi
Literature and Humanities / Philosophy
P.H.D dissertations
Master Theses
The relationship between truth and art in Gadamer's philosophy
Fatemeh Karimi 2024 -
Hermeneutical interpretation to Michelangelos Creation of Adam on the base of Hegels theorical structure
Seyed Amirreza Ziaeian Nourbakhsh 2024 -
The objectivity of knowledge and truth in Kant's philosophy; Paul Guyer's assessment of Kant's response to Hume's skepticism
Masoud Nasirian rizi 2024 -
Kant's view on the function of the Ideas of Reason in "Appendix to the transcendental dialectic" and it's relation to his view on Reason in "transcendental dialectic", based on Henry Allison interpretation.
Meysam Ghazanfari 2023 -
Credibility of Kant's transcendental philosophy after modern physics with regard to the ideas of Michael Friedman
Parisa Mahmoudi Madjdabadi 2023 -
Evaluation of allameh tabatabai's viewpoint about Hume's doubt in the principle of causality.
Ali akbar Bigdelo 2023 -
Hyperreal identity in the second media age based on Baudrillad s thoughts
Hamidreza Mortazavifar 2023 -
The Relation of Moral Anthropology and Pragmatic Anthropology in Kant's Philosophy
The Role of the Subject in Gadamer's Philosophical Hermeneutics
Hooman Homayouni Abdali 2023 -
nietzsche: Ametaphysician who criticizes metaphysics
Gholam hossein Saeedi 2023 -
Subjectivity of truth in Kierkegaard's philosophy, based on his “Concluding Unscientific Postscript”
Mohsen Kiani 2023 -
Rethinking the Concept of Becoming from the Gilles Deleuze's Anti-Humanist Point of View on Cinema
Shayan Keivannia 2022 -
The relation of monistic systems of spinoza and Hegel simiarlty and dissimilarity.
Saeed Najjari 2022 -
A study on Jerry Fodor's Language of Thought hypothesis
Aidin Tavvafi 2021 -
Individuality In Schleiermachers General Hermeneutics
Atiye Toodehfallah 2021 -
The Possibility of Revolution in the Schizophrenic Philosophy of Deleuze and Guattari Isotopic Conditions
Mahdi Momeninia 2021 -
The function of history in Husserl’s thought in The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology
Erfan Nasr 2021 -
early Heidegger Phenomenology of life
Mohammad mahdi Meisami 2019 -
Pouran Rahimi 2018 -
Amirreza Shatizade Malekshahi 2017 -
Simin Chagha 2015 -
Bahareh Bagher Zadeh Fard 2014 -
Nasim Najafloo 2014 -
Mahmoud Daryanavard 2014 -
Mahdi Ghanbari 2013 -
Atefeh Sahebghadam 2013 -
Alireza Dorri Nogoorani 2012 -
Hossein Ghadiri 2012 -
Ahmad Salami 2012 -
Hamideh Izadinia 2012 -
Marzieh Yousefi Zaroomi 2012 -
Reza Ranjbar 2012 -
Mahsa Zamanian 2012 -
Nasibeh Heydari 2012 -
Abasalt Alizadeh 2012 -
2012 -
Esmaeil Ghaedi 2012 -
Ali Kiadarbandsari 2011 -
Faezeh Fazeli 2010