Associate Professor
Update: 2025-03-12
Abolfazl Rezaei
Literature and Humanities / Arabic Language & Literature
Current courses
Course Name | unit | term |
Syntax III | 2 | first semester Academic year 2024-2025 |
Syntax V | 2 | first semester Academic year 2024-2025 |
Rhetorics I (Semantics) | 4 | first semester Academic year 2024-2025 |
Syntax VII | 2 | first semester Academic year 2024-2025 |
Arabic Verse from the beginning to the end of the Umayyads | 2 | first semester Academic year 2024-2025 |
Arabic Verse from the beginning to the end of the Umayyads | 2 | first semester Academic year 2024-2025 |
Arabic poetry from the beginning to the contemporary period | 2 | first semester Academic year 2024-2025 |
Taught Courses
- A Review of Historical Texts
- Abbasid Poetic Texts I
- Abbasid Poetic Texts II
- Advanced Topics in Rhetorical Science
- Advanced morphological and syntactic topics
- Arabic Prose and Poetry
- Arabic 1 Part I: (Grammar and Texts)
- Arabic 2 Part II: (Grammar and Texts)
- Arabic 5 Part V: (Grammar and Texts)
- Arabic 6 Part VI: (Grammar and Texts)
- Arabic Language (Reading Historical Texts In Arabic)
- Arabic Poetry and Prose Texts 1
- Arabic Poetry and Prose Texts 2
- Arabic Verse & Prose Texts in Iran Since the Early Times up to the Fall of Baghdad
- Arabic Verse & Prose Texts in Iran from the Fall of Baghdad up to the Contemporary Period
- Arabic Verse from the beginning to the end of the Umayyads
- Arabic poetry from the beginning to the contemporary period
- Composition I
- Composition II
- Composition III
- Contemporary Arabic Poetry
- Contemporary Poetic and Prose Texts
- Contemporary Poetry Texts I
- Contemporary Poetry and Prose Texts
- Contemporary Verse & Prose I
- Contemporary Verse & Prose II
- Foreign Language (With an Emphasis on Translation of Historical Texts)
- History of Contemporary Literature
- History of Contemporary Literature I
- History of Contemporary Literature II
- History of Literature (From The Abbasid Period to The Fall of Baghdad)
- History of Literature (From The Age of Ignorance to The Fall of Umayyads)
- Islamic Texts
- Islamic and Umayyad Poetic Texts
- Letter Writing & Summary Writing
- Literary Criticism
- Literary History Since the Pre-Islamic Era up to the End of the Umayyad Period
- Literary History of the Abbasid, 2nd Period
- Morphological and syntactic topics
- Morphology (Inflection) I
- Morphology (Inflection) I
- Morphology (Inflection) II
- Morphology (Inflection) II
- Morphology (Inflection) III
- Nahj-ul-Balagha (Texts)
- Poetic and Prose Texts From the Abbasid Period and Interregnum
- Poetry and Prose Texts (From The Abbasid Period to The Fall of Baghdad)
- Poetry and Prose Texts (From The Fall of Baghdad to The Present)
- Poetry and Prose Texts from Age of Ignorance to the demise of the Umayyad
- Political Literature (Accountable Literature of Ahl-ul-Bait)
- Prerequisite Arabic Language
- Prerequisite Arabic Language
- Prose & Verse Since the Fall of Baghdad up to the Contemporary Period
- Prose & Verse Since the Pre- Islamic Era Till the End of the Umayyad Period
- Prose Texts in Age of Ignorance
- Reading Historical texts in Arabic (Part I)
- Research Method & Bibliography
- Rhetorics (2) (Eloquence)
- Rhetorics I (Semantics)
- Syntax & Inflection Exercises I
- Syntax & Inflection Exercises II
- Syntax I
- Syntax I
- Syntax II
- Syntax III
- Syntax IV
- Syntax V
- Syntax VI
- Syntax VII
- Syntax and Morphology I
- The Art of Translation
- Translation From Arabic to Farsi
- Translation From Arabic to Farsi & Vice Versa
- Translation of the Holy Quran
- Verse & Prose in the Abbasid, 1st Period
- Verse & Prose in the Abbasid, 2nd Period
- Verse & Prose in the Andalusian Period
- teaching method of arabic texts