Asghar Vaezi

Associate Professor

Update: 2025-03-12

Asghar Vaezi

Literature and Humanities / Philosophy

Journal Paper

  1. "The Functions of Preunderstandings in Allamah Tabatabai's Hermeneutics"
    Asghar Vaezi, Esmaeil Ghaedi
    Vol. 18, pp.339-360, 2024
  2. "A critical study of two conceptions of wittgensteins family Resemblance"
    Mahdi Mohammadi, Asghar Vaezi
    Vol. 16, pp.222-241, 2023
  3. "Creation and Analysis of the Concepts from Deleuze's Anti-Humanist View on Cinema"
    Shayan Keivannia, Asghar Vaezi
    pp.71-86, 2024
  4. "The Problem of Being in the Philosophy of Ibn Gabirol"
    Asghar Vaezi, Hossein Niazbakhsh Seighelani
    Vol. 19, pp.221-241, 2024
  5. "Schizoanalysis Encounter Organizational Analysant: a Deleuzo -Guttarian Critique on Management Science"
    Mahdi Momeninia, Asghar Vaezi
    Vol. 88, pp.199-219, 2023
  6. "Isotopic Conditions of Capitalism: The Possibility of Revolution in the Schizophrenic Philosophy of Deleuze-Guattari"
    Mahdi Momeninia, Asghar Vaezi
    Vol. 21, pp.237-260, 2023
  7. "The Ethics of Desire in the Philosophy of Ibn Gabirol"
    Hossein Niazbakhsh Seighelani, Asghar Vaezi
    Vol. 22, pp.99-122, 2023
  8. "The Importance of the Sense of Touch in Herder's Early Philosophy"
    Bardia Heidari, Asghar Vaezi
    Vol. 86/1, pp.119-138, 2022
  9. "Realism of Sadra and Wittgenstein"
    Mahdi Mohammadi, Asghar Vaezi
    Vol. 18, pp.198-226, 2022
  10. "Augustine's Three Theories of Desire and Pleasure Based on "Confessions""
    Hossein Niazbakhsh Seighelani, Asghar Vaezi
    Vol. 39, pp.251-267, 2022
  11. "Ubermensch, the Eternal Recurrence of the Same, and Technique"
    REZA RANBAR, Asghar Vaezi
    pp.67-91, 2021
  12. "An Interpretation of Heidegger's Analysis of Christian Facticity"
    Mohammad mahdi Meisami, Asghar Vaezi
    Vol. 83/1, pp.203-226, 2020
  13. "Allameh Tabataba'i, Soroush and Mojtahed Shabestari Modern Hermeneutics Discourse; Plurality and Objectivity of thd Qu'anic Meaning"
    E GH, Asghar Vaezi
    Vol. 18, pp.109-138, 2018
  14. "Deleuzian Anti-theology and the Politics of Imagination"
    Mohammadzaman Zamani Jamshidi, Asghar Vaezi
    Vol. 9, pp.69-86, 2018
  15. "The Role of the Dividing Practices in Forming the Subjugated Subject in the Modern Age from Foucault's Perspective"
    Asghar Vaezi, Atefeh Sahebghadam
    pp.225-248, 2015
  16. "Levels, Elements and Functions of the Hermeneutic Circle"
    Asghar Vaezi,
    Vol. 42, pp.107-125, 2015
  17. "Gadamer and Hirsch's Challenge on the Accuracy of Hermeneutics"
    , Asghar Vaezi
    Vol. 10, pp.45-58, 2014
  18. "A Critical Review of Ghazli's Approach to Sufism"
    Asghar Vaezi,
    pp.127-148, 2013
  19. "The Historicity of Understanding and the Challenge of Relativism"
    Asghar Vaezi, Hamideh Izadinia
    pp.153-169, 2013
  20. "Intentionalism against Semantic Autonomy"
    Asghar Vaezi
    pp.133-156, 2013
  21. "Kant's Response to Hume's Skepticism and Critique of It"
    Asghar Vaezi, Alireza Dorinogourani
    pp.109-135, 2013
  22. "Tradition as the Origin of Reason"
    Asghar Vaezi, Ali Kiadarbandsari
    pp.1-24, 2013
  23. "Schleiermacher's View on Realization of Understanding"
    Asghar Vaezi, Esmaeil Ghaedi
    Vol. 8, pp.25-40, 2012
  24. "Analysis and Study of the Bases of Hume's Skepticism"
    Asghar Vaezi, Alireza Dorri Nogoorani
    Vol. 1/66, pp.133-148, 2012
  25. "Gadamer's Original Notion of Understanding"
    Asghar Vaezi
    Vol. 40, pp.5-26, 2012
  26. "The Dialectic of Familiarity and Strangeness in Event of Understanding"
    Asghar Vaezi, Esmaeil Ghaedi
    Vol. 1/65, pp.141-156, 2012
  27. "Prejudice and Understanding in Gadamer's Philosophical Hermeneunics"
    Asghar Vaezi
    pp.235-253, 2011
  28. "Dialog, dialectic, Fusion of horizons"
    Asghar Vaezi, Faezeh Fazeli
    pp.189-213, 2010
  29. "God and Dilema of Philosophy of Critiquing"
    Asghar Vaezi
    pp.81-103, 2010
  30. "Tradition and Freedom in Gadamer's Philosophical Hermeneutics"
    Asghar Vaezi
    Vol. 59, pp.175-185, 2008
  31. "Transcendental Material for Determination of Things"
    Asghar Vaezi
    pp.209-226, 2006
  32. "The Analysis of St. Anselm s Ontological Argument"
    Asghar Vaezi
    pp.129-160, 2003