Associate Professor
Update: 2025-03-05
Musa Nushi
Literature and Humanities / English Language & Literature
Master Theses
The Impact of Gamification on Student-Student and Student-Teacher Interaction and Willingness to Communicate among Iranian EFL Learners in Online Classes
Sayedeh Solmaz Raoofi Kelachayeh 2024 -
EFL learners' language mindset and their willingness to communicate: the mediating role of emotional and behavioral engagement.
Atefe Mandegar 2023 -
Coping with Trauma through Third Space: A Postcolonial Reading of Sons and Other Flammable Objects and The Last Illusion
Zahra Mesgarha 2023 -
The Effect of Vision Enhancement Intervention on Reducing Second Language Learning Anxiety among Iranian EFL Learners
Padina Sadeghi 2023 -
The Effect of Applying a Mediation-based Pedagogy on EFL Learners’ Classroom Engagement Anxiety and L2 WTC
Mahdieh Namnik 2023 -
Investigating the Effect of Audio-Assisted Reading on Incidental Learning of Grammar by Iranian EFL Learners
Peyman Jahanbin 2022 -
testIranian EFL Teachers Attitude toward Incorporation of Technology into Teaching Pronunciation: The Role of Teaching Experience and Academic Degree
Seyyed Mohsen Mousavi 2022 -
A Comparative study of Iranian EFL university lecturers' and private language institute teachers' perceptions of dynamic assessment
Ali Momenideimandoul 2021 -
Dialogic Online Identities on Iranian Advanced Language Learning Autonomy
Donia Shirvani 2021 -
Mahdis Nematollahi Rad 2020 -
Shirin Sadeghinasab 2020 -
Investigating the effect of using e-portfolio assessment on learners’ autonomy in EFL context
Soheil Rajabi 2020 -
On the Relationship between Iranian EFL Teachers Teaching Style and Their Beliefs about Integrating Technology in Classrooms
Fereshte Ghasemi 2020 -
Instagram-Assisted Learning of Collocations and Colligations The case of Iranian EFL Learners
Amirpooya Dayani Dardashti 2020 -
Iranian EFL Teachers Perceptions of the Gravity of Grammatical Errors
Vida Khazaei 2020 -
Studying the Efficiency of a Communicative Framework in the Development of Phonological Features in Iranian EFL Learners’ Speech Production
Seyed Kourosh Shahhosseini 2020 -
Investigating the Effect of Different Modes of Captioning on Listening Comprehension and Its Relationship with Caption Reading Habits among Intermediate EFL Students
Kimia Askarian 2020 -
Exploring beliefs and classroom practice of Iranian English language teachers regarding error correction
Elahe Goodarzvand chegini 2020 -
Washback to the learner in the Iranian EFL context: Learner and teacher perspectives on upper0intermediate IELTS Writing preparation course expectations and outcomes
Mahshid Razdar 2019 -
Investigating teachers views on listening difficulties among Iranian EFL learners
Fereshteh Orouji 2019