Associate Professor
Update: 2025-03-12
Seyedeh maryam Abolghasemi
Literature and Humanities / Persian Language & Literature
Current courses
Course Name | unit | term |
Prose texts (4) Literary- Mystical Texts with an Emphasis on Mersad-al-Ebad | 2 | first semester Academic year 2024-2025 |
Current Trends in Contemporary Iranian Prose | 2 | first semester Academic year 2024-2025 |
Stylistics ( I) Poetry | 2 | first semester Academic year 2024-2025 |
Stylistics (II ) Prose | 2 | first semester Academic year 2024-2025 |
Literary Fiction | 2 | first semester Academic year 2024-2025 |
Gramatica l structure of Persian Language | 2 | first semester Academic year 2024-2025 |
Applied Rhetoric | 2 | first semester Academic year 2024-2025 |
Prose text 1 Kashfolmahjub and resale Ghosheirieh | 2 | first semester Academic year 2024-2025 |
The Evolution Process of Persian Literature | 2 | first semester Academic year 2024-2025 |
Research in Rhetoric | 2 | first semester Academic year 2024-2025 |
Taught Courses
- A Survey in Persian Semantics, Eloquence and Literary Techniques
- An Analysis and Critique of Persian Literature
- Applied Rhetoric
- Arabic Grammar - Part I - Morphology I
- Arabic Grammar - Part II - Morphology II
- Arabic Grammar - Part III - Syntax I & II
- Arabic Grammar - Part IV - Syntax II
- Arabic Grammer (I)
- Contemporary Literature (From Constitutionalism up to 1941)
- Contemporary Literature I - Poetry
- Contemporary Literature II - Prose
- Current Trends in Contemporary Iranian Prose
- Excursion in Narrative Literature
- Gramatica l structure of Persian Language
- Historical Prose Texts
- History of Persian Literature II
- Impact of Quran & Tradition on Persian Literature
- Introduction to Research Resources in Persian Language and Literature
- Language study on Literary text
- Literary and Rhetorical Techniques
- Lyrical Poetry Texts
- Persian Educational Literature
- Persian Expository Texts
- Persian Grammar
- Persian Grammar I
- Persian Grammar II
- Persian Language
- Persian Literary Fiction
- Persian Poetry Part I - Roudaki & Manouchehri
- Persian Poetry (III) Khaghani and Nezami
- Persian Poetry - Part I - Nezami
- Persian Poetry - Part I - Rostam & Sohrab
- Persian Poetry - Part II - Farokhi & Kasaei
- Persian Poetry - Part II - Rostam & Esfandiar
- Persian Poetry - Part III - Odes & Elegies of sa'di
- Persian Poetry - Part V - Saeb
- Persian Poetry texts II - Part III - Masoud-e Sa'd
- Persian Poetry(II) Naser Khosrow and Sanai
- Persian Poetry(IV) Masnavi
- Persian Prose (III) Mesbah al-Hedaya
- Persian Prose (IV) Kashf al-Mahjub and Ghosheyriya
- Persian Prose - Part I - Kelile va Demne I
- Persian Prose - Part I -Kashfolasrar
- Persian Prose - Part II - Kelile va Demne & Chahar Maqale
- Persian Prose - Part II - Mersadol Ebad
- Persian Prose - Part II -The Golestan
- Persian Prose Texts
- Poetry Texts (3) Part III: Military
- Poetry Texts (4) Part I: Sanai Poems
- Prose Texts (2) Literary-Fictional Texts with Emphasis on Kalila and Demneh
- Prose Texts (5) Interpretative Texts With an Emphasis on Kashf al-Asrar and Tafsir by Abul-Futuh
- Prose text 1 Kashfolmahjub and resale Ghosheirieh
- Prose texts (3) Literary-Educational Texts with an Emphasis on Golestan
- Prose texts (4) Literary- Mystical Texts with an Emphasis on Mersad-al-Ebad
- Qazaliat-e Shams
- Research Methods in Children’s Literature
- Research in Lyrical Literature
- Research in Persian Grammer
- Research in Persian Texts (Poetry)
- Research in Persian Texts (prose)
- Research in Rhetoric
- Rhetoric I
- Rhetoric I (Semantics)
- Rhetoric II
- Rhetoric II (Prosody & Eloquence)
- Rhetoric and Literary Devices
- The Evolution Process of Persian Literature
- The evolution of Persian Poetry