Update: 2025-03-05
Mohammad Ilkhani
Literature and Humanities / Philosophy
Taught Courses
- Aristotle's Philosophy
- Aristotle and Peripatetics
- Augustine and Neoplatonic Philosophy
- Greek Philosophy (Plato and Platonists or Aristotle and Peripatetics)
- History of Christian and Jewish Theology
- History of Greek Philosophy I (from its Beginning to Plato)
- History of Islamic Civilization and Culture
- History of Islamic Philosophy II (After Averroes to the Present Time)
- History of Mediaeval Philosophy to Renaissance
- History of the Political Thoughts Development (The 18th Century to the End of the 20th Century)
- Interpreting Latin Pilosophical Texts
- Latin Language
- Leibniz's Philosophy
- Medieval Philosophy
- Methodology
- Methodology of Comparative Studies
- Myth and philosophy in the presocratic philosophers
- Philosophy of History
- Plato and the Platonists
- Plato's Philosophy
- Pre-Platonic Philosophy
- Religion and Philosophy in Hellenistic Period
- Seminar
- Special Course 1
- Special Course 2
- Special Course 3
- Teaching and Research Methododology (Based on the Program)
- The philosophy of Plotinus
- Thomism
- Western Metaphysics