Associate Professor
Update: 2025-03-05
Amir Ali Nojoumian
Literature and Humanities / English Language & Literature
Taught Courses
- A Study of the Major Works of the World's Greatest Playwrights
- Advanced Research Methods
- Aesthetics of Child Literature
- African-American, Native American, Latino/ a- American and Asian- American Literature in America
- Applied Criticism (in English Literature)
- Applied Criticism Techniques
- Comparative Children’s Literature
- Contemporary Literary Fiction
- Contemporary Literature
- Creative thinking and the child
- Critical Approaches to Literature
- Introduction to Literature I
- Introduction to Literature II
- Literary Criticism I
- Literary Criticism II
- Literary Movements
- Literature And Linguistics
- Literature and Cinema
- New Trends in Literary Theory and Criticism
- Novel
- Novel II
- Reading and Appreciating Selected Literary Texts
- Research Method
- Romantic Era Poems
- Short Story
- The introduction of children's literature generals and bases
- Understanding Literature
- Use of Literature in Language Teaching